Frequently asked questions

How you are able to give IV therapy and injections?

All of our services are administered by Registered Nurses.

They use protocols written by our licensed Medical Directors.

How does IV therapy work?

IV hydration treats dehydration and intoxication.

For dehydration, it supplements your normal oral intake.

For intoxication, it lowers blood alcohol level twice as fast as normal metabolism.

How much does IV therapy cost?

There are two price structures:

traditional and subscription.


Good Faith Exam: $75

IV Insertion: $100*

IV Fluid Administration: $100*

Bonnaroo IV Hydration Pricing:


Subscription (middle TN residents):

$3 for 1 month

$7/month thereafter

IV Hydration Liter # 1: $35.00*

IV Hydration Liter #2: $67.00*

IV Hydration Liters thereafter: $99.00*

Plus notices of future IVRV locations

Plus reminders to stay hydrated

Zofran for nausea: $20/dose**

Toradol for pain: $20/dose**

*Plus supplies and tax

**Add-on to IV Hydration services only,

plus supplies and tax

Traditionally, infusion therapy took place in a medical office under medical supervision, but today you can receive IV therapy in the comfort of your own home, office, or event. IV therapy delivers saline solution through a small plastic medical tube directly into the bloodstream. The solution typically includes a mixture of vitamins and minerals that are customized to the client’s individual needs. During treatment, a registered nurse/medic will insert an IV line into an accessible vein. The IV line is attached to a bag of saline, which is hung above the patient’s head. Essential fluids and minerals inside of the IV bag will be carried to the veins over a period of time. The duration of treatment typically lasts between 30 – 45 mins

Are there any side effects?

No. There are no side effects.

Major side effects are rare. However, any time there is a needle physically entering the skin, there is a small risk of infection, bleeding, bruising, and slight pain. Our team of registered nurses/medics take all medical precautions to avoid these common side effects by including proper preparation, proper needle size, using vein finders, and topical medications to help reduce pain. Occasionally, our clients might report cooling of their arm or a warm sensation as nutrients enter their bloodstream. These are normal non-medically concerning sensations.

Who is IV therapy for?

IV therapy is for everyone.

We especially target athletes who want

to perform and recover

at their maximum potential.

Optimal balance of nutrients is unique to each clients individual needs. Thus, iDrip Therapy offers many treatment options to help our clients reach their overall wellness goals. Our services and products are created to meet a wide range of wellness needs, which include but are not limited to: increased energy levels, rapid illness recovery, athletic performance, and more. Clients of all ages, activity level, professions, and lifestyles can benefit from IV drip therapy. Our clients safety is our greatest priority; we will consult your medical history prior to administering any treatments and make sure you are a good candidate for our offered therapies

What results should I expect?

Everyone who gets a liter of IV fluids can expect to feel better.

Athletes can expect higher endurance,

less muscle fatigue,

and less soreness.

For persons who are intoxicated, you can expect to feel sober twice as fast as you would under normal circumstances.

iDrip Therapy clients almost immediately experience a boost of energy. When the body reaches optimal mineral and vitamin levels, it can then support proper metabolism, cortisol levels, cellular health, mood, and good sleep patterns. Our IV drips can also bolster the immune system, which is especially beneficial during the cold and allergy season.

Does IV therapy hurt?

The only part that hurts is the IV catheter insertion. It feels like a momentary tiny bee sting.

The wellness and comfort of iDrip Therapy clients is one of our greatest priorities. We have an amazing team of highly trained and experienced registered nurses (RNs) & Medics with advanced skills in IV insertion to provide the highest quality service to our clients. We use small, delicate needles to provide a virtually pain-free experience. A majority of our patients find IV insertion to be painless, whereas others may experience brief discomfort (comparable to a pinch) upon needle insertion. In general, iDrip Therapy clients find the experience of infusion itself to be relaxing.

Can I resume my normal activities after an IV drip?

Yes. There are no activity restrictions following IV therapy.

ABSOLUTELY! With your newly renewed energy and optimized health, you can resume your day-to-day activities with even better performance following an IV drip.

Intravenous (IV) therapy offers a way to safely deliver greater doses of essential fluids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the body that would otherwise not be fully dispersed or received through oral ingestion. IV therapy circumvents digestion by pushing the nutrients through the bloodstream straight into the cells. Therefore, an elevated concentration of cellular uptake of nutrients via IV has a more effectual impact.

YES!, We offer group discounts and group rates based on your party size and the IV services desired. Contact us to learn more about how we can provide IV services to your event or group drip at

Was your question not answered here ?

Feel free to call, text, or email us with any other questions you have.

Give us a call/text at 480-352-2170 and ask for Brandon. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

iDrip IV RV

1233 Liberty Lane

Gallatin, TN 37066

1233 Liberty Ln, Gallatin, TN 37066, USA

Call or text us any time!

Call or text us any time!

2022 iDrip IV RV | All Rights Reserved

2023 iDripIVRV | All Rights Reserved